School of Occupational Therapy - Student Work

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    Parent Participation in Early Childhood Education
    (2024) Simon, Madison
    Improve the parent volunteer program at Generation One preschool to see the impact that it has on childhood outcomes and classroom behavior.
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    Analysis of Inpatient Rehabilitation Interventions and Impact on Recovery Trajectory for Disorders of Consciousness (DoC) Patients
    (2024) Scott, Stephanie
    This capstone project aims to develop research skills to describe inpatient rehabilitation interventions and impact of verticalization on the trajectory of recovery for disorders of consciousness (DoC) patients. Many DoC are the result of a traumatic brain injury, however causes include: cardiovascular failure, progressive degenerative diseases, or metabolic diseases (Pistarini & Maggioni, 2021). Occupational therapists aim to deliver effective rehabilitation by improving arousal and awareness (Ng & King, 2021). However, there is limited evidence describing effective treatments (Weaver, Watters, & Cogan, 2021). Verticalization is a promising treatment for DoC patients and mobilizes patients into upright position using equipment such as tilt tables (Krewer et al., 2015). A retroactive sample of 24 adult DoC patients at TIRR Memorial Hermann DoC Program in Houston in 2022 was used. Quantitative data was compiled from demographics, functional status, Coma Recovery Score-revised (CRS-R) scores, and weekly treatment interventions. There was a positive significant correlation between time and CRS-R score, but no significant statistical correction between number of verticalizations and CRS-R score. Limitations in variability in length of stay, number of CRS-R scores, inconsistent documentation of verticalization minutes, blood pressure instability, and lost therapy minutes could have impacted correlation results. There is an opportunity in the future to mitigate these variables and test for impact of verticalization on CRS-R scores. Further research regarding the type of equipment used for verticalization could provide accessibility for continued improvement in arousal and awareness after discharge.
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    Pro Bono Clinic
    (2024) Reilly, Matthew
    Pro Bono Stroke Clinic for Houston Texas
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    Ergonomic Evaluation of a Local Tool Distribution Facility: A Manual Handling Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
    (2024) Raymond, Lorilei
    The Student completed a Manual Handling Risk Assessment at a local tool distribution company to assess potential risks of musculoskeletal disorders, along with curating a safety training module over proper body mechanics for warehouse personnel. A pre and post-test survey was given to 7 employees to illustrate the effects of education on performing tasks safely during warehouse operations, indicating an increase in knowledge on safe practices.
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    Support Groups for Parents of Children with Disabilities
    (2024) Mangum, Yessica
    An occupation-based program to support parents’ psychosocial needs and help develop the strategies and skills necessary to improve quality of life.
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    Exploring the Impact of Adaptive Seating in Increasing On-Task Behavior in Students with Autism
    (2024) Guillote, Payson
    This capstone project explores the impact adaptive seating plays in increasing on task behavior in students with autism, through a pre and post-test data collection. 3 elementary age students with autism were observed sitting in traditional classroom seating and observed sitting in adaptive seating. The adaptive seating was shown to decrease off task behavior in all of the students, however, it did not attribute to increased learning. Further research is indicated to determine the efficacy of the intervention for increasing attention to task.
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    Effects of Self Lead Video Based Exercise Programs on Improved Quality of Life
    (2024) Forde, Travis
    This program will provide members within Fitness Project The Woodlands with video based exercises centered around the goal of long term improvement in quality of life. Through the lens of the Occupational Adaptation model, I intend on developing a series of specific video based exercise programs based on the individual’s current fitness level and current occupational activity to promote client self efficacy, confidence, and overall relative mastery of their exercise regimen with the overall outcome measure being increased quality of life.
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    Caregiver Education Development to Promote Confidence and Skill Generalization in the Pediatric Outpatient Setting
    (2024) Bowles, Sarah
    A digital educational resource was created for the parents/caregivers of a pediatric outpatient clinic in order to attempt to increase caregiver confidence in practicing and promoting their child's skill carryover outside of the clinic. Literature shows that caregivers would like to be more involved with their child's therapy goals and outcomes, however they have limited access/pathways currently for training and education. This resource was created to bridge the gap between the known success of family-centered care and a starting access point to it for caregivers.
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    Quality Improvement Project: Improving Family-Centered Care During Inpatient Stay for Medically Fragile Neonates
    (2024) Bello, Taylor
    Background: This research will focus on conducting a needs assessment for parents/caregivers to identify barriers associated with family-centered care practices (FCC) for parents of children previously admitted to the NICU, or Inpatient stay, specifically the pediatric CVICU as the basis for a quality improvement project. Methods: This study used a non-experimental mixed-methods approach. Parents and caregivers of medically fragile neonates previously/currently admitted to the NICU, pediatric CVICU, or Inpatient stay participated in this study. Participants completed an anonymous 29-question survey distributed via a link posted online on various social media platforms targeting specialty therapy groups and pediatric heart disease organizations, in addition to supplying demographic information as part of the study. Additionally, there will be three optional open-ended questions at the end of the survey created to better understand and identify gaps in family-centered care practices. Results: A significant Pearson correlation was found at the .01 level (2-tailed) between all four of the FCCS-NICU sub-scales and the total score of the FCCS-NICU scale, meaning that higher scores on one subscale, translate to higher scores on the total FCCS-NICU scale. This shows that each of the 4-subscales (i.e., dignity and respect, information sharing, care participation, and cooperation with family), are areas of importance when implementing FCC in the NICU. Conclusion: Based on data collected in the study, information sharing, increased parental involvement regarding their neonate’s plan of care, educational resources, continuity of care, and better support systems in place for parents are areas that can be further developed to enhance the quality of care given by all disciplines in the NICU.
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    DANCE! Measuring an Adaptive Dance Program with an Occupational Therapy Lens and a Focus on ICF Domains: A Case Report
    (2024) De Leon, Rachael
    With an emphasis on ICF domains and use of an occupational therapy lens this doctoral capstone project aimed to: 1) Bridge the gap in research for how an adaptive dance program impacts upper extremity. 2) Investigate how an adaptive dance program is measured. 3) Conduct a feasibility quasi-experimental mixed-method study with clinical assessments completed pre and post intervention to determine the feasibility, impact of the intervention, and use of outcome measures. Outcome measures used in this study were the modified ashworth scale, the pediatric balance test, 6 minute walk test, BOT - 2 subtests 4 and 7, quality of upper extremity skills test, cerebral palsy quality of life, child and adolescent scale of participation as well as a post assessment semi-structured interview. Three qualitative themes were identified. The results of this study found that the outcome measures chosen to measure changes following the adaptive dance program intervention were sensitive enough to detect changes to the ICF domains of body functions, activities and participation. In addition, this capstone project concluded that adaptive dance used as a therapeutic intervention for children with cerebral palsy improved motor coordination, balance, endurance and perceived quality of life.
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    Navigating Imposter Syndrome: The Occupational Experiences of First-Generation Graduate Students
    (2024) Navarro, Anisya
    This capstone project delves into experiences of first-generation graduate students , exploring resources provided by the Center for First-Generation Students to support them. By addressing the impact of imposter syndrome, the project aims to support students with developing a mentorship program to provide key resources to build success of retention rates in higher education. The relevance to OT practice lies in emphasizing the significance of nurturing a sense of belonging and purpose in building mentorship within the occupation of education.
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    Exploring the Experiences from Weekly Group Meetings in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Study Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
    (2024) Zayid, Ranya
    The purpose of this capstone project in research skills was to implement weekly group meetings to an 8 week iPad intervention study and explore participants' experiences with information and communication technology (ICT). Another aim was to examine ICT's effectiveness with improving social connection and increasing physical and mental health among community-dwelling older adults. The results from the qualitative analysis was reflective of some of the quantitative data collected.
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    Therapeutic Roots: A Gardening Program For Older Adults
    (2024) Thibodeaux, Jeanne
    I created a 10 week horticulture program for older adults to increase social participation and improve over all wellness.
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    Positive Effects of a Virtual Exercise Program for Older Adults
    (2024) Skarya, Alan
    This capstone project utilizes program development and evidence-based research to establish a unified and comprehensive virtual exercise program (VEP) that can be implemented for community-dwelling older adults demonstrating the positive effects it has with improvements in life satisfaction and quality of life.
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    Educating Parents of Children With Down Syndrome Through Occupational Therapy Videos
    (2024) Peralta, Alexa
    The capstone project involves the creation of videos that provide education on occupational therapy content for parents to implement at home for their child with Down syndrome. My goal was to increase knowledge and accessibility to occupational therapy, and to provide training on how parents can implement evidence-based OT interventions with their child at home. These videos can empower parents with the knowledge to promote and instill a sense of independence for their child with Down syndrome.
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    Occupational Therapy Student “Buddy” Program for Individuals with Dementia
    (2024) Kovar, Breanna
    The ""Buddy"" program uses intergeneration and occupational approaches to create rich social connections for both individuals with dementia and TWU occupational therapy students so the two can benefit each other. These students were given the opportunity to volunteer at Amazing Place and engage in various programs throughout the day with the participants who have mild to moderate dementia. The goal of this program is to increase confidence and knowledge in 1st year OT students before they venture off into fieldwork 2. In addition, the goal for the Amazing Place Participants is to increase social participation and activity engagement while applying these intergenerational approaches.
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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Its Effect on Social Connections and Loneliness in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
    (2024) Ferguson, Lauren
    There is evidence that appears to support the potential for iPads to be a successful intervention when users are educated and trained. This capstone project aimed to examine the specific combination of iPad technology and digital learning for increasing social connectedness. Over an 8-week period, one-on-one intervention and a group component were used to train on iPad use and facilitate socialization among participants. Results supported the potential for benefits of using ICT as for social connection.
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    Caregiver Burden in Caregivers of Children Diagnosed with Cancer: Comprehensive Educational Resources
    (2024) Ellis, Cassidy
    This Capstone project focused on caregiver burden in caregivers of children diagnosed with cancer. The aims of the project were to improve education on caregiver burden and access to reliable, evidence-based resources for the target population. The student completed a literature review of current research and a needs assessment through surveys of caregivers and health care professionals at the Capstone site. The final deliverables the student created include a comprehensive educational website and infographic for caregivers of children with cancer.
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    Incorporating Every Moment Counts Initiative into a Behavioral Support Classroom for K-4 Students
    (2024) Stucky, Sarah
    In today's fast-paced world, the well-being of children, particularly their emotional regulation skills, has become a paramount concern. This capstone project advocates for the integration of occupational therapy as a crucial element in supporting children's emotional regulation to enhance classroom engagement and participation. Through the conducted literature review, it was found that a significant portion of adolescents suffer from depressive symptoms, emphasizing the critical need for early intervention in emotional regulation. By collaborating with a local school district's Therapeutic Education Program (TEP), which serves students with behavioral health concerns, this project aimed to implement evidence-based strategies such as mindfulness practices and social-emotional learning activities modified from the Every Moment Counts initiative. The project sought to fill the existing gap in occupational therapy services within the TEP, targeting emotional regulation and active engagement in occupational activities. Weekly mindfulness activities and social-emotional learning sessions were planned over an 8-week duration, with a focus on integrating these interventions seamlessly into the school environment. By working closely with educators, administrators, and mental health professionals, the project aimed to foster a supportive atmosphere conducive to emotional well-being and academic success. Evaluation of the interventions were carried out through observations and feedback from classroom staff, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the holistic development and success of students within the TEP program.
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    Supporting Culturally Responsive Food Initiatives with Tarrant Area Food Bank
    (2024) Chung, Alexandra
    "Introduction: Nearly 13% of the U.S. population experienced food insecurity (FI) in 2022. Food banks and food pantries are one way to mitigate food insecurity, but they may only sometimes meet the needs of guests from diverse cultural backgrounds. This occupational therapy doctoral capstone project investigated what food banks are currently doing to promote cultural sensitivity in services and implemented a cultural awareness policy within Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB). Methods: This project employed a unique approach, combining a comprehensive literature review with surveys conducted at TAFB. The literature review provided insights into how food banks address cultural sensitivity and their impact on populations. The surveys, on the other hand, aimed to expand TAFB’s cultural foods lists into a Food & Culture Guide specifically for Hispanic, Latino, and Asian cultures. Results: Food banks promote cultural sensitivity by providing culturally tailored nutrition education and culture-specific foods, restructuring leadership, and forming innovative partnerships with community members and food providers. Survey results revealed protein and produce to be the most requested culture-specific food items. Discussion: The findings from this project suggest several best practices that food banks can adopt to promote cultural sensitivity. These include building social capital, involving populations of interest in program design, and using cultural relevancy frameworks to create or modify educational materials. The survey results underscore the importance of culturally relevant food in maintaining and promoting healthy food occupations for individuals experiencing food insecurity from diverse cultural backgrounds. This project models how occupational therapy concepts can be applied in non-traditional practice settings, offering solutions to address food insecurity. Furthermore, it sets an example of the role of future occupational therapy practitioners in a non-traditional setting by holistically addressing social determinants of health with a client-centered lens and applying evidence-based practice."