2019 Teaching and Learning Symposium

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11274/11755

The TWU Community comes together at this half-day event on the Denton Campus to share best practices in the areas of classroom technologies, online technologies and Canvas.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Increasing Student Engagement Through Online Microlessons
    (2019) Dillon, Suzanna; Tennakoon, Deepani
    Student engagement is a highly desired feature in both online and face-to-face classes. The presenters will describe a method of content delivery via short online microlessons that are structured not only to engage students but also to ease their learning of challenging content and to enable them to evaluate their understanding.
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    Making Technological Adjustments in a Dual Credit Classroom
    (2019) Dyer, Darby
    This presentation explores using technologies in a TWU Dual Credit high school classroom. Having only fifteen Chromebooks in classes of over thirty students poses some challenges. However, this limitation promotes collaboration through means of peer composing and reviewing. Using Google Classroom for assignment reminders and submissions will also be examined.
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    Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATS): Different Breeds for Different Needs
    (2019) Dunlap, Karen; Hurlbut, Amanda
    Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATS) are used by teachers who want to ensure that students have opportunities to demonstrate mastery and receive feedback that facilitates learning. This session will highlight fresh updates to CATS strategies that can be used in both traditional and online course settings, through synchronous technology tools compatible with Canvas.
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    Preparing Bilingual and ESL Education Pre-service Teachers with AR and VR
    (2019) Figueroa, Jorge
    The use of augmented and virtual reality in the bilingual/ESL classroom starts with the effective training of pre-service teachers. As part of this presentation, participants will learn about the effective practices TWU bilingual/ESL pre-service teachers interact with in our educator preparation program. Also, projects and apps that serve as scaffolds for the teaching and learning process will be shared.
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    Utilizing Various Technologies To Facilitate The Development Of Nursing Students’ Clinical Judgment
    (2019) Tserotas, Shopha; Yousef, Mary Grace
    Clinical judgment is an essential skill to develop by every nursing student. Faculty plays an integral role in utilizing various strategies to effectively facilitate learning. In the first undergraduate adult health medical-surgical course, various technologies such as Google Forms, Kahoot, YouTube, and Canvas are used to enhance student learning and engagement.
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    Making Theory Matter
    (2019) Beins, Agatha; Thomas, Paul
    This presentation explores the possibilities for teaching theoretical concepts in creative ways and engaging different levels of Bloom's taxonomy. The presenters will discuss activities that put ideas into unconventional material forms, which gives students the opportunity to work through and take ownership of abstract ideas by reshaping them.
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    Creating Strong Rubrics in Canvas
    (2019) Evetts, Cynthia L.
    Creating assignment rubrics clarifies expectations, while increasing efficiency and consistency in grading. A well-formulated rubric provides additional instruction, instant feedback for students, and helps instructors assess student work in a timely manner. This session will demonstrate a specific method for creating strong rubrics in Canvas that enhance teaching and learning.
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    Using Google Applications to Supplement Online Learning
    (2019) Brown, Lee; Lambert, Jason
    As more courses increasingly are offered online in higher education, there are some educators who believe this method may negatively impact the quality of learning. To mitigate these perceptions Drs. Lambert and Brown contend that Google applications can effectively supplement virtual team based learning. In their presentation they will introduce some primary Google applications that, from their experience, have helped improve classroom oversight, strengthened team cohesion, and engaged students. After a brief overview of the applications, they will provide examples of how to integrate Google collaboration strategies into instructors' courses. If available, collected data on students' classroom interaction with Google applications in their courses will also be presented.
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    Using Technology to Enhance Student Critical Thinking and Reflection
    (2019) Fredrickson, Becky; McMahan, Sarah; Bowman, Grant; Crosby, Brittney; Flowers, Kaylin; Menger, Charlene; Sapp, Jessica; Soto, Stephanie; Watson, Alyssa
    TWU Teacher Education students will discuss and present their work on how they integrated technology in the collegiate classroom and the impact it had on enhancing their critical thinking and reflection skills. Additionally, they will share how they plan to integrate this type of learning int their future classrooms.