2023 Poster Presentations

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11274/15546


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    All-Gender Restrooms: Necessary and Possible
    (2023-08) Peebles, Emily; Ericson, Lora; Ross, Alyssa
    Does your library have an all-gender restroom? Why not? The U.S. Trans Survey found that many trans and gender diverse people avoid using public restrooms for fear of confrontation, and some suffer health complications as a result. Formerly, the UNT Library Annex provided restroom access for employees and guests who identify as women and those who identify as men. A group of employees recognized the need for an all-gender restroom, researched solutions, surveyed employees, outlined a plan, advocated to administration, and worked with facilities to convert an existing restroom for all-gender access. This has provided safe restroom access for our employees and guests who are trans and gender diverse. We were also able to establish the all-gender restroom using only staff time and funds for the restroom sign and lock, “doing more with less.” The goal of our poster presentation is to encourage library employees to advocate for all-gender restrooms in their own workplaces and show that such a task can actually be done without a lot of time and money.
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    Okay, Zoomer! Making Space for Generation Z in the Library Workforce
    (2023-08) Montequin, David
    Contrary to the caricature of the old and crabby librarian, the library workforce is as age-diverse as any other industry. Young library workers, generation z in particular, face unique challenges in career advancement compared to their peers in the private sector. Wages are non-negotiable, entry-level jobs require multiple years of experience, managers rarely express interest in innovation, rarely are direct paths to promotion available, and skyrocketing costs of living make choosing a career in librarianship and the broader public sector difficult. This poster will seek to answer these two questions: How can young library workers steer the trajectory of their own work? How can library administration best support young library workers while also managing budgetary crises due to inflation?
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    The GEMS (Great, Easy, Minimal Staff Time) of Scavenger Hunts
    (2023-08) Stidham, kay
    I have been doing scavenger hunts at our library for over 2 years now. I would like to share information about this low-cost program that requires minimal staff time and is enjoyed by patrons of all ages. Scavenger hunts can be used to promote events, help new patrons learn the layout of the library, and create new friendships. Being consistent with this program has generated excitement from our patrons and many seek out the scavenger hunts as soon as they arrive at the library.