An online cross-sectional survey of music therapy graduate equivalency students: Examining music therapy ethical educational dilemmas



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The purpose of this study was to explore ethical dilemmas experienced by music therapy graduate equivalency students in the educational setting through a cross-sectional survey. The survey included both quantitative and qualitative questions concerning the experiences of ethical dilemmas during participants’ education. Quantitative data were reported using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were analyzed using inductive coding, where categorical themes emerge from the data. The survey also included questions about the participant’s satisfaction level of the resolution of the experienced ethical dilemma as well as their satisfaction level with their ethical training in music therapy education. Survey participants were current or past graduate equivalency students who experienced an ethical dilemma. Nine self-identified participants took the survey, four of which indicated they experienced ethical dilemmas during their education and/or clinical training. Categorical themes from the survey responses included exclusion, discrimination, communication, invasive, violation of guidelines, and harassment/bullying. Future research suggestions include expanding the population focus to include all students, only graduate students, only undergraduate students, and marginalized or oppressed student groups.



Ethics, Ethical dilemmas, Ethics in academia, Ethical training, Student ethical dilemmas, Ethics in music therapy, Graduate equivalency students, Music therapy equivalency, Equivalency students, Ethics education in creative arts therapies, Ethics in art therapy, Student discrimination, Music therapy higher education

