Coming up for air from binge writing: Research to support the role of rhythm in writing performance
Hoermann-Elliott, Jackie
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The Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning
I am a binge writer. I live for and dread the days when my schedule is free enough to claim a 6- to 8-hour space for myself to write. Dr. Carrie Leverenz first introduced me to the concept of binge writing through Robert Boice’s Professors as Writers.
Boice touches on issues of rhythm and repetition as early as his introduction when he stakes this claim: “When writers remain productive, they learn to make writing painless, efficient, and successful” (2). Later in that text, he refers to rhythm as an “automacity” that occurs most frequently when writers consistently control distracting stimuli and hold themselves accountable to a writing group or program to establish a habit of practice (76, 94).
Binge writing sessions, Optimized writing performance, Careerist writers
This is the published version of a blog post that is available at Recommended citation: Hoermann-Elliott, J. (2016a, February 28). Coming up for air from binge writing: Research to support the role of rhythm in writing performance. The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning Blog. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.