The effects of mentoring and support training groups upon job satisfaction, attitudes, needs, performance, and morale of beginning teachers




King, Delva J.

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Elementary and secondary beginning teachers participated in one of three models of teacher induction programs designed to assist them in their adjustment to work. The models of beginning teacher induction programs used as treatment variables were: Support Training Groups Only, Trained Mentor Only, and Support Training/Trained Mentor. A control group was included with no treatment received. Following five-month treatment programs, the beginning teachers were measured on dimensions of work adjustment--job satisfaction, morale, attitude, needs assessment, and teacher evaluation. Three-way ANOVA (2x4x2) with repeated measure and MANCOVA with pretest as covariate were used to analyze the data. A significant difference between the groups on teacher evaluation was found. Post-hoc analysis showed that the Trained Mentor/Support Group had the best teacher evaluation results and the Control Group had the least impressive teacher evaluation. No significant difference was found on the other dependent measures. Program evaluation results were strongly positive particularly for the group of mentors. Implications of the results suggested that participation in teacher induction programs using mentors and support groups can have a positive effect on the performance of beginning teachers.



In-service training, Job satisfaction, Attitudes
