Case study: The USA Paralympic Volleyball Coaching Internship Course




Mann, Mark David

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The Journal of Athlete Centered Coaching


A group of American University Graduate Students participated in a one week internship at the USA Paralympic Volleyball training center in Oklahoma, USA. A primary goal of the internship was to increase the motivation of the students in the program towards their own coaching endeavors as they examined and re#ected upon their core values in coaching. The student coaches in the study (n=9) were exposed to Coaching by Master Coaches from the USA Paralympic Volleyball team. These master coaches were skilled in an Athlete Centred Coaching Style that manifested the core values of: 1) an exemplary work ethic, 2) player empowerment, and 3) a prioritization of team cohesion. Upon the completion of the internship, data analysis revealed that there was a signi!cant di"erence on scores for the student coaches on the Sport Motivation Scale II, a reliable and valid instrument designed to measure sport motivation. This increase in coach motivation occurred in large part as a result of the students’ exposure and interaction with the Paralympic Master Coaches and the USA Paralympic Volleyball teams.



Athlete-centered, Coaching, Coach education


This is the published version of an article that is available at Recommended citation: Mann, M. D. (2016). Case study: The USA Paralympic Volleyball Coaching Internship Course. The Journal of Athlete Centered Coaching, 1(1). This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.
