A qualitative analysis of mothers' perceptions of family life and work life satisfaction




Allen, Mishaleen E.

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The following qualitative study analyzed family life and work life satisfaction perceptions of employed mothers with young children. The purpose of the study was to examine family life satisfaction, work life satisfaction, and the relationship between the two from the employed mother's point of view. Qualitative data were drawn from 195 responses on voluntary, self- administered questionnaires distributed at various selected child care and after-school sites within the North Texas area. The following questions guided the qualitative research process: (a) How satisfied are employed mothers with their family life? (b) How satisfied are employed mothers with their work life? and (c) How do family life and work life interact? Numerous emerging themes and patterns were found to influence family/work life perceptions of employed mothers. Family life satisfaction themes included the influence of relationships, burden of respons ibilities, time concerns, and necessary income for lifestyle maintenance. Work life satisfaction issues focused on the effect of work environment, desire for reduced work load, and impact of personal satisfaction. Family/work interaction themes centered around balancing work and family, spillover effect of family/work, effect on children, and other influences.



Health and environmental sciences, Social sciences, Home economics, Family life, Personal relationships, Sociology, Women's studies, American studies
