Related factors in self-actualization and susceptibility to nutrition quackery among women 65 years of age and older




Hummel, James Franklin

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50 English-speaking, Anglo women who reside in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex were selected for the study by convenience sampling. They were divided into two groups of 25 each. The first group consisted of self-actualizers and the second group consisted of non-actualizers. The relationship between total scores on the nutrition attitudes test and the individual scores on each of the 12 scales of the POI were determined by the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The data were subjected to treatment using the Bayes Theorem to reveal probabilities that would not be considered significant by the previous statistical testing. The findings of the study indicated that self-actualizing Anglo women over 65 years of age who are time competent are less likely to believe in nutrition quackery. Non-actualized elderly Anglo women who are inner directed are also less likely to believe in nutrition quackery. According to Bayes Theorem, it can be predicted that an actualizer is less likely to believe in nutrition quackery than a non-actualizer.



Health and environmental sciences

