Rapid needs assessments for older adults in disasters




Burnett, Jason
Dyer, Carmel B.
Pickens, Sabrina

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American Society on Aging


Because the challenge for those planning and providing disaster relief efforts is to be able to triage elders who need immediate extra assistance in an efficient and timely manner so as to minimize harm, a rapid and accurate needs assessment could provide specific region-wide information used to educate individuals as to what they need to do in response to a disaster. In this article, the authors highlight the Seniors Without Families Triage (SWiFT) tool used to screen for vulnerable elders with urgent needs in the following realms: cognitive, medical, social service, and activities of daily living.


Article originally published in Generations, 1(4), 10–15. English. Published online 2007. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289472727_Rapid_needs_assessments_for_older_adults_in_disasters
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Pre-disaster planning, Post-disaster planning, Impaired physical mobility


This is the published version of an article that is available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289472727_Rapid_needs_assessments_for_older_adults_in_disasters. Recommended citation: Burnett, J., Dyer, C., & Pickens, S. (2007). Rapid needs assessments for older adults in disasters. Generations, 1(4), 10–15. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.
