Defining principal effectiveness: Measuring the value of effective principals using the principal effectiveness evaluation rubric




Burkett, Jerry

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The evaluation of a campus principal can be a challenging process due largely to the complicated factors that exist to capture an accurate assessment of a principal’s leadership effectiveness. Generally, principal evaluations are conducted by districtlevel officials who often do not have the time or the resources to observe campus principals on a regular basis. Further, principal evaluation systems (PES) are designed to improve the practice of principals (Clifford & Ross, 2012; Davis, Kearney, Sanders, Thomas, & Leon, 2011; Fuller & Hollinsworth, 2014a; Fuller, et al., 2015), and there has historically been an acknowledgement that these evaluations do not always achieve this purpose. Therefore, the overarching purpose of an evaluation is to use defensible criteria to judge the worth or merit of a principal. Critical to this definition is “defensible criteria” as the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (Gullickson & Howard, 2009) recommends that personnel evaluations should rely on defensible criteria to ensure such evaluations are “ethical, fair, useful, feasible, and accurate”. The Principal Effectiveness Evaluation Rubric is designed to evaluate the various themes found in the literature to help determine set criteria that is most used to measure principal effectiveness.


Article originally published by International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1, 1–6. English. Published 2023.


Educational leadership, Principal evaluation systems, Principal effectiveness


This is the published version of an article that is available at Recommended citation: Burkett, J. (2023a). Defining principal effectiveness: Measuring the value of effective principals using the principal effectiveness evaluation rubric. International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1, 1–6. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.