The relationship between cognitive academic levels of proficiency and Response to Intervention tier assignment and the implications for special education
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship(s) between a student's Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) levels of proficiency and Response to Intervention tier (RtI) assignment for academic instruction and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) scores. The CALP levels were derived from Woodcock-Muñoz Revised and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) that were administered in spring 2011. There were 69 participants who were randomly selected by the school Principal from all students currently receiving services in RtI tier 2 and 3. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and Chi Square.
Data analysis indicated statistically significant relationship between Spanish CALP levels of proficiency and RtI tier assignment. The English CALP scores did not show a relationship. Further there was a significant relationship between the TELPAS scores of Listening, Speaking, Writing, and RtI tier assignment. Reading scores were meaningful but Cramer's V reflected a weak relationship at .224.