The oppression and deliverance of women in Sandra Cisneros' “The House on Mango Street”




Alfaro, Melissa

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Sandra Cisneros is a poignant voice to all women. Her work The House on Mango Street portrays the somber reality of women who have been oppressed by the limitations that are imposed on them by the patriarchy within their culture. The House on Mango Street defines various types of bondage and reveals the harsh realities of women who due to the effects of abuse, promiscuity, depression, low expectations, and marginalization have found themselves oppressed.

In the midst of an oppressive setting, Cisneros introduces the voice of hope in the narrator-Esperanza. As a narrator Esperanza voices each woman's experience, provides a release to those who have been silent, brings awareness to her community concerning issues that have remained unaddressed, and discovers her own self-worth and purpose as a writer.

The introductory portion of the thesis acknowledges Cisneros' works, awards and honors, and acclaimed reputation among the Hispanic community as a hopeful voice to all women. The following chapters address the women from The House on Mango Street and define their oppressive lifestyle due to the effects of male domination, introduce the narrator Esperanza and illustrate her personal journey to freedom and self-discovery, and reveal how Esperanza is the epitome of what Sandra Cisneros is providing for the women in various ethnic communities.



Latin American literature, Social sciences, Folklore, Education, Womens studies, Language, literature, and linguistics
