What are the family financial management experiences among the Ghanaian diaspora in the US?



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The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the family financial management experiences of the family members of the Ghanaian diaspora in the US. Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model was used to navigate the research study process. The research question was What are the family financial management experiences among the Ghanaian diaspora in the US? Ten family members of the Ghanaian diaspora in the US were interviewed using semi-structured interview questions. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed for themes. Six themes emerged from the data analysis: My parents believed in savings and investments, I had little understanding of financial management while in Ghana, My family and I did not plan for our financial needs before leaving Ghana to live in the US, I came to the US in search of financial well-being, I have a financial obligation to support my family who remains in Ghana and I believe in setting goals for my family’s financial future. The study’s results were compared to existing literature and conclusions were drawn such as family members of the Ghanaian diaspora traveling to the US with limited understanding of family financial management. The study’s strengths, limitations, recommendations for future research and practice, and implications were discussed.



Ghanaians; Family financial management; Ghanaian diaspora in the US; Financial management experiences, Acculturation, Budget, Diaspora, Financial behavior, Financial capability, Financial literacy, Financial management, Informal money management, Migrant, Money management
