Emerging from the Dumpster Fire: Student Engagement and the “new normal"




Jacobs, Jenni
Kantor, Sarah
Davis, LaTiffany
Carr, Shelley

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In this panel discussion, we will describe some of our experiences working with students over the last academic year. As many universities returned to in-person services in Fall 2021 and we moved into the present, we found that we needed to create a new “new normal,” and then a “newer normal.” We will be covering outreach and instruction adaptations, emerging student needs or gaps in learning, and outreach activities during rapidly changing health recommendations, regulations, and levels of comfort. We will also describe changes we have observed in student behaviors, habits, and knowledge, impacted by the pandemic experiences of the students we serve. While the pandemic affected everyone, it did not impact librarians and students the same way. The panelists will share some of their insights into this changing landscape of student engagement.


