Intimate partner violence and infertility in Zambia




Reed, Cynthia Kay Shinabarger

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Existing studies have examined numerous predictors of intimate partner violence (IPV) but no previous studies have examined infertility as a predictor of IPV. This study adds to the literature by examining the relationship between infertility and IPV along with mediator and moderator variables known to impact IPV including: a woman's attitude about IPV, education, type of marriage (monogamous or polygamous), area of residence (urban or rural), employment status, experience of the death of a son, and socioeconomic status. Data from the 2007 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey (ZDHS) was utilized. The relationship between intimate partner violence, infertility, and mediator and moderator variables was tested using descriptive statistics and logistic regression models. Two analyses were run; one testing the impact of primary infertility on IPV and the second testing the impact of secondary infertility on IPV. Three logistic regression models were tested in each analysis; each explained less than three percent of the variance in intimate partner violence. Neither primary nor secondary infertility were significantly correlated with intimate partner violence nor were they significant predictors of IPV in the regression models. The results suggest that infertility does not significantly impact intimate partner violence.



Social sciences, Infertility, Intimate partner violence, Zambia

