How Lack of Representation in Medicine Harms Minority Communities




Smith, Mariel
Coleman, Daniyah
Soree, Matthew

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Medical Racism: How Lack of Representation in Medicine Harms Minority Communities Members: Daniyah Coleman, Mariel Smith, Matthew Soree Faculty Advisor: Dr. Junalyn Navarra-Madsen Our goal in this paper is to analyze prevailing racism in the field of medicine. By briefly going over the history of false racial science in medicine, examining common racially biased medical practices still present in society, determining harm caused by racism in medicine to minority communities, and pinpointing the different barriers of entry for minorities into the medical field, we hope to spread awareness of an often overlooked facet of institutional racism in America. Racism in medicine stems from subconscious biases held by professionals, to patently false racial science still being taught. In offering relevant health statistics, literature on the subject, and primary medical sources, we hope to paint a picture of a flawed, racially biased, healthcare system, but also offer hope that as multiculturalism in STEM increases, we can alleviate health problems for minority communities.


Creative Arts and Research Symposium
Creative Arts and Research Symposium

