Factor analysis of children's attitude inventory toward physical education




Atkins, Susan

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The purpose of this study was to examine selected psychometric properties of the Children's Attitude Inventory Toward Physical Education (Sherrill & Toulmin, 1977) and to recommend changes, if needed. Subjects (N=322) in Grades 4 and 5, were administered the 50-item Children's Attitude Inventory Toward Physical Education (CAIPE), followed by retest of 80 students 7 days after the initial administration. Most subjects responded positively to all CAIPE items. Independent t tests indicated no significant difference between genders or grades. Test-retest reliability using intraclass correlation for the CAIPE was R=.87. A principal factor analysis with oblique and varimax rotations revealed 29 items which loaded at.40 or greater. CAIPE is a reliable and global measure of Grade 4 and 5 children's expressed attitudes toward physical education but, revisions are needed to assure construct validity and permit multidimensional scoring of six specific constructs; Outcomes, Negative Affect, Positive Affect, Personal Values, Teacher Attitude/Fun, and Never It.



Physical education, Early childhood, Attitudes
