Correlation between adequacy of dialysis and overall nutrition status in the end stage renal disease population
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Malnutrition among dialysis patients in the United States has been correlated with increased morbidity and mortality rates. Multiple factors are known to contribute to this problem, although inadequate dialysis (defined by Kt/v levels) has been postulated to be a major factor. One-hundred eighteen subjects were randomized into two groups during a 12 month period from December 1993 to November 1994 to assess the impact of two different Kt/v levels (1.2 vs 1.5) on nutritional parameters (albumin, nPCR, pre-dialysis BUN, total cholesterol) and clinical outcomes (dry weight, number and length of hospitalizations). Dialysis adequacy was measured using urea kinetic modeling. The average dose of dialysis (Kt/v) delivered to both groups was higher than initially targeted, 1.3