Let’s take a poll: Working towards a more equitable classroom




Davis, Ann M.
Ahmed, Shazia A.

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Immediate feedback is a successful engagement strategy that promotes active learning and fosters a supportive, inclusive classroom, especially when used with low stakes assignments or to gauge transfer of knowledge (Epstein & Brosvic, 2002, Goldstein & Wallis, 2015). The traditional approach is for students to purchase a physical device or license through an educational technology provider. The cost of these traditional services has been increasing, adding to the financial burden for our students in the midst of an ongoing global economic recession. If you have worked tirelessly and jumped through many hoops to adopt an OER textbook in order to bring down the cost of education for your students, you may feel guilty about adding back the expense of these educational tools. An alternative approach is to use a free or low-cost mobile app for student participation. In this article, we will present an array of free apps that we have used in various courses, and discuss the benefits and limitations of each.


Article originally published by Faculty Focus. English. Published 2023. https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/lets-take-a-poll-working-towards-a-more-equitable-classroom/
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Teaching with technology, Engagement strategies, Active learning


This is the publisher’s version of an article that is available at https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/lets-take-a-poll-working-towards-a-more-equitable-classroom/. Recommended citation: Davis, A. M., & Ahmed, S. A. (2023, July 27). Let’s take a poll: Working towards a more equitable classroom. Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.
