Advancing the sock test for sitting balance: A comparison with the Barthel Index of activities of daily living in older adults


December 2022

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The objective of this study was to determine whether a correlation existed between scores on the Sock Test for Sitting Balance (STSB) and items on the Barthel Index (BI) for activities of daily living. The STSB and BI scores of older adults from independent living and assisted living communities were compared. No difference in STSB scores emerged between the independent living and assisted living communities. Results showed a significant relationship between the STSB score and the following BI scores: self-feeding (p < .05) and bathing, dressing, urinary incontinence, and stair mobility (p < .01). The results indicated that the STSB did not differentiate between the independent living and assisted living communities. However, a significant correlation emerged between the STSB score and the BI items of self-feeding, bathing, dressing, urinary incontinence, and stair mobility in older adults living in independent living and assisted living communities.



Balance, Function
