Meeting the needs of long-term English learners using translanguaging pedagogical practices



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This paper explores the effects of monolingual standardized testing on Long-term English Learners (LTELs) and develops research-based interventions to counteract the difficulties these linguistically diverse students face when trying to meet standardized English expectations. This primarily quantitative study uses linear regression to analyze factors that predict English Learners’ (ELs) academic growth on assessments, and the results are supported through qualitative data on translanguaging interventions provided during the 2018-2019 school year by English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) teachers in a rural Texas School district. The quantitative variables, particularly expenditure per student, predicted academic growth for ELs but were not significant predictors for non-EL growth. The qualitative results were obtained using anonymous surveys the teacher participants completed throughout the school year. The translanguaging strategies showed potential to improve standardized English assessment scores. The results of this study will provide information for other educators to revise current perceptions and pedagogy for LTELs.



Translanguaging, Long term English learner, LTEL, Deficit perspective
