Ineffective campus leadership: Why good teachers leave bad principals




Burkett, Jerry

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Journal of Academic Perspectives


Effective school leaders are essential to the success of the school environment. Preparation programs teach principals traits and skills that define what research has determined to be effective school leadership. However, either by attrition or through a lack of personal awareness, some principals may lose or under-develop these essential traits and then knowingly or unknowingly employ ineffective leadership skills and create dysfunction. Teachers have left schools due to poor and ineffective campus leadership but often do not report the reasons why they left or do not have a safety mechanism in place to support their claims and drive campus change. The purpose of this exploratory research was to survey teachers who have left school with poor campus leadership and determine the traits that


Article originally published by Journal of Academic Perspectives, 4. English. Published 2020.


Principal leadership, Principal preparation programs, Principles of educational leadership programs


This is the published version of an article that is available at Recommended citation: Burkett, J. (2020). Ineffective campus leadership: Why good teachers leave bad principals. Journal of Academic Perspectives, 4. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.