Race follows the American flag: A critique of the United States foreign policy during the Philippine-American War
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The intention of Race Follows the American Flag is to examine the political idea of power: the creation of the United States cultural identity and how that cultural identity creates both an imperialist focal point and also a foreign policy based on the racial composition of subjugated and would-be subjugated countries. Using Eric Voegelin's "theory of the state" as a foundation; this thesis will examine the conceptualization of racial identity in both American "culture" and its foreign policy and how this ideology has mitigated her apportionment with the country of the Philippines both prior, during and following America's war with the Philippines Islands. In addition this paper, beginning with a view of America's early nation building ideas, chronicle how this idea was a racial/political relationship and has influenced interactions between the United States and the Philippine Islands leading to and following war and how this lead to a racial based foreign policy in America's dealings with non-Anglo countries following the war. This paper will also attempt to show how those same ideals continue to influence United States foreign relations into the 21st century. Using different political theorists and concepts, this research will delve into the creation, usage and modification of the end concepts, this research will delve into the creation, usage and modification of the racially driven ideology within American foreign policy and how this ideology was and is a major factor in how the United States responded/responds to nations classified as "other" as well as those who were not integrated into American cultural ideology, but still considered "American".