The chameleon identity




Trujillo-Jenks, Laura

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Texas Council of Women School Executives


Traditionally, men have dominated leadership positions in the field of education, particularly the positions of principal and superintendent. However, more women are occupying these positions successfully (Mendez-Morse. 199, 2000; Skrla, 2000a. 2000b; Tallerico, 1999, 2000). Additionally, identifying with educational administrators involves accepting the responsibilities, characteristics, and attributes, assigned and ascribed to that position. An administrator has responsibilities, characteristics, and attributes of leading and caring for teachers and children, ensuring that they succeed at the appropriate level and pace. With increased opportunities in educational administration, women can have the responsibility to become successful and possibly help alter the characteristics and attributes that are assigned and ascribed.



Educational administration, Personal identity, Professional identity


This is a published version of an article that is available at Recommended citation: Trujillo-Jenks, L. (2013). The chameleon identity. Journal of Texas Women School Executives, 2(2), 43–49. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.