Examination of burnout in NCAA athletic training using the Athletic Training Burnout Inventory
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Maslach & Jackson (1981) created the Maslach Burnout Inventory that was designed to assess burnout in a wide range of human service workers. In 2008, Clapper & Harris designed an instrument known as the Athletic Training Burnout Inventory. The ATBI revised the MBI to make the scale and items assessing burnout more specific to athletic trainers in the collegiate setting. The purpose of this study is to assess the level of burnout in athletic trainers from division I, II and III using the Athletic Training Burnout Inventory. Participants will be licensed and/or certified athletic trainers who are employed in a NCAA division I, II or III universities or colleges in the United States. An ATBI, descriptive statistics survey and instructions were e-mailed to a stratified random sample of 4,518 athletic trainers. Of those invitations sent, 298 athletic trainers completed the electronic survey. This resulted in a 6.5 % response rate. Statistical data analyses that were used included descriptive statistics, one way MANOVA and independent facotrial MANAOVA. All data analyses were conducted using the SPSS version 20.0. A significance level of p < .05 was used for all analyses. Results of this study indicate that the prevalence of burnout in the athletic training profession is low. However, cut off scores should be developed before a true assessment of burnout can be made. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate no significant relationship of National Collegiate Athletic Association division level (division I, division II and division III) on the constructs of burnout (emotional exhaustion/depersonalization, administrative responsibility, time commitment and organizational support). Additionally, this study shows that athletic trainers have a significantly higher feeling of administrative responsibility when they have no support staff as compared to having ten or more support staff. It was also found that those athletic trainers who teach 29 or fewer hours per week felt a significantly higher level of administrative responsibility than those that teach no hours per week. Lastly, athletic trainers who make &20,001-$60,000 per year felt a significantly higher level of time commitment that those athletic trainers who make $20,000 or less per year.