A test of the theory of reasoned action




Autio, Louise Amanda

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The study problem was, "Do relationships among the variables on the Health Care Intention Index correspond to those predicted by the theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980)?" The study had a descriptive, correlational, comparative design with a survey using a semantic differential. The sample contained 60 volunteers, women, aged 66 to 90, who lived in government subsidized, public apartments. The investigator performed (a) Pearson correlation to test for positive relationships among variables intrinsic to the theory of reasoned action, (b) hierarchical multiple regression to examine the contributions made by attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm, and past habit of seeking health care to the prediction of health care intention, (c) cross-validation to test the generalizability of the regression solution developed from one half of the sample to the other, and (d) one-way analysis of variance to contrast the extrinsic with intrinsic variables. The current study treated the variable, "past habit of seeking health care" as an intrinsic variable. Past habit of seeking health care made a negligible contribution toward the prediction of intention. Subjective norm was the consistent predictor of health care intention. The total sample of 60 volunteers was divided into two subgroups for comparison. Multiple R ranged between.6270 and.8334 (p <.01) for each subgroup. The regression coefficients were stable over the two subgroups. There were significant relationships between general health and health care intention using a more stringent criterion than.05 (.043). Cronbach's alpha was.7122 for the attitude toward the behavior subscale,.9225 for the evaluations of likely outcomes subscale and.6769 for the normative beliefs subscale.

The Health Care Intention Index needs further testing before expert nurses use it to encourage secondary prevention. This testing should include item analysis to construct a homogeneous set of subscales and subsequent factor analysis.



Nursing, Psychological tests, Comparative analysis, Behavior, Health and environmental sciences, Psychology, Health Care Intention Index
