A phenomenological study of the experiences of voluntarily childless married couples: a lifetime decision




Valenzuela, Denisa

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The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to describe the experiences of voluntarily childless married couples. This study explored the experiences of five voluntarily childless married couples within the framework of Elder’s (1998) life course perspective. The researcher conducted interviews using semi-structured questions and prompts to obtain participants’ experiences regarding the decision to remain voluntarily childless and how they were treated because of their decision. Interviews were digitally recorded for transcription. Qualitative data were coded and themes were identified. Analysis of the participants’ narrative revealed five themes: (a) Commitment, (b) Sacrifice, (c) Poor Parenting, (d) Social Stigma, and (e) Substitutions; the overarching theme was Creating. The study helps illustrate the phenomenon of choosing to remain voluntarily childless and provides insight into this growing population and different pathways couples experience over their life course. Additionally, implications, limitations of the research, and recommendations for future research are included., Family, Marriage, Childless
