Male Surplus in the Computer Science Field: An Explanation




Reynolds-Maharg, Victoria
Simmons, Briyanah L.
Rocha, Miguel A.

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The goal of this paper is to explain and gain a deeper understanding of why the Computer Science field is so male-dominated, and why women are not as aggressive within specific fields. We assess these claims by analyzing data within the workforce that distinguish both genders in a non-competitive manner, i.e., pushing the significance and involvement of women within the STEM fields at the same time highlighting the male achievements to prevent bias. Data that will be analyzed include, the average salary for both genders, involvement in “higher” level positions such as a project manager and other titles, and reasons as to why there is such a major imbalance in the ratio of gender. Once the information and data are addressed we will include solutions to the imbalance and more recent industrial implementations that push this “bias” into a more equal setting.


Creative Arts and Research Symposium
Creative Arts and Research Symposium

