Positivism: A concept analysis




Pawlikowski, Paulina
Rico, Nina
Van Sell, Sharon

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Graphy Publications


The concept of positivism is a phenomenon not necessarily utilized in nursing. The idea was promoted first by Auguste Comte but implanted in nursing by many philosophers. In advanced practice nursing, positivism can lead to science as the basis of practice without the inclusion of the art of nursing as a principle of practice. The practice of objective scientific knowledge alone may dehumanize nursing practice with the use only of the researcher and not the influence of the researcher and collected objective data. The analysis of positivism offers advanced practice nurses (APNs) meaningful application to their practice by taking patient care away from the illness-cure model. Conducting a concept analysis of positivism utilized the Walker and Avant eight step methodology. Attributes of the concept of positivism are experience, the system of facts, objective, human, and natural phenomena. Antecedents and consequences of the concept are to further understanding of consciousness. A model, borderline, and contrary case demonstrate positivism in nursing situations.


Texas Woman's University Libraries Open Access Fund


Advance practice nurse, Empirical knowledge, Positivism, System of facts


This is the publisher’s version of an article that is available at https://doi.org/10.15344/2394-4978/2018/284. Recommended citation: Pawlikowski, P., Rico, N., & Sell, S. (2018). Positivism: A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices, 5(1). This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.
