Petty, Karen2020-02-242020-02-242018-123/28/2019Dec-18 HUNTER PERCEPTIONS OF FATHERHOOD AMONGST AFRICAN AMERICAN FATHERS RAISED FATHERLESS DECEMBER 2018 The purpose of this qualitative study was to take a phenomenological approach to explore the perceptions of African American fathers who were raised fatherless. Role theory and Identity Theory were` used to guide this study. The study explored the following research question: How do African American fathers raised fatherless perceive fatherhood. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with men who self- identified as being raised as fatherless in the DFW area. Data obtained from this study were transcribed verbatim and analyzed through a three-step coding process that included: open, axial and selective coding. Triangulation of data analysis was used to ensure credibility. Four themes emerged from the data and included: (1) Being Present; (2) Ideal Dad; (3) Teaching; and (4) Spirituality. It also yielded three subthemes: (1) Interactive Engagement; (2), Warmth and Responsiveness; and (3) Restless journey. Results of the study were compared to existing literature and conclusions were drawn. Study implications for future research, implications for family therapists, limitations and disadvantages, and strengths of the study were all presented.application/pdfenFatherhoodAfrican American FathersFatherlessAbsent fathersPerceptions of fatherhood amongst African American fathers raised fatherlessThesis2020-02-24