Nursing Collaborators: Allan Chang, Samir Hamed, Danielle Robertson, Jasmine Chan, Sheryl GonzalezReynolds, Nina2024-07-112024-07-112024 artwork created conveys the theme of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) through some visual elements: Dark, Ominous Clouds: The sky in the painting is filled with dark clouds composed of written texts. These clouds could symbolize the overwhelming and suffocating feeling experienced by individuals with COPD. The weight of the buildings and the density of the clouds evokes the struggle for breath and the heaviness associated with this chronic illness. “KEEP SMOKING” Sign: Prominently displayed on one of the buildings is a large sign that reads “KEEP SMOKING.” This message shows the connection between smoking and COPD. Smoking is a significant risk factor for developing COPD, and the sign serves as a warning against continuing this harmful habit. Struggling Figure: In the foreground, there is a figure outlined in blue and orange. This person is struggling or in distress. Blue could represent oxygen deprivation or difficulty breathing, while orange represents the struggle to decide. The urban environment surrounding the figure emphasizes the impact of pollution and environmental factors on respiratory health. Minimal Greenery: Despite the presence of trees and greenery, they seem minimal compared to the dominating buildings and dark clouds. This contrast highlights the struggle faced by individuals with COPD to find fresh air and maintain lung health in an urban setting. Overall, the artwork effectively conveys the challenges, suffocation, and urgency associated with COPD, urging viewers to consider the importance of lung health and the impact of environmental factors. Medium: Collage; acrylic on canvas and mixed media Format: 18 x 24”en-USCOPDThe Dichotomy, 2024Image