Garcia, GuadalupeWilson, Cecilia2024-05-162024-05-162024 frequently encounter harm during hospital stays, with those with diabetes particularly susceptible to medication errors and glycemic complications. The 'Room of Horrors' (ROH) project aims to bolster nursing students' critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills concerning patient errors in hospital environments. Through simulated scenarios, ROH engages students in error identification, rectification of unsafe conditions, and intervention prioritization. The project's significance lies in its potential to enhance clinical competency and patient safety by integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application. Evaluation of nursing students' satisfaction and confidence in learning will be conducted using the National League for Nursing (NLN) Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning tool. Results are pending. (Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Cecilia Wilson)en-USENHANCING NURSING EDUCATION AND PATIENT SAFETY: EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF THE "ROOM OF HORRORS" SIMULATION PROJECTPresentation