Moreland, KarenBurditt, Jessica2018-08-092018-08-092006-08 purpose of this study was to investigate if there were differences in snack choices between males and females. Participants were recruited at local grocery stores during weekends. The participants included 284 females and 146 males aged 18 years or over. Shoppers were asked to participate in a study by completing a brief survey and then selecting a snack. The snack choices consisted of high energy dense foods or low energy dense foods. Snack choice and gender were recorded. The results were analyzed using the Chi-square test for significance at p<0.05. The data showed that there was a significant relationship between gender and snack choice with a p value of p = 0.017. The data indicated that women chose the low energy dense snack more often than the men.en-USHealth and environmental sciencesHealthy eating patternsNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)Gender and the difference in snack choicesThesis