2024-01-122023-08Aug-23Aug-23https://hdl.handle.net/11274/15614“Online fandom communities'' (OFCs) operate across different social media platforms with the common characteristics of anonymity, internet dialect, and subcultural ideals. Using an autoethnographic approach, this thesis examines the effect of online fandom communities on queer identification. These characteristics can operate as a safe space for queer peers to engage with the art they admire and with people who share their experiences. This has been the experience of the author who, as a queer woman on the cusp of the Millennial and Gen. Z generations, has been engaged with fandom in different forms for over 10 years.application/pdfEnglishSociology, GeneralSociology, Individual and Family StudiesOnline fandom communitiesLGBTQ+Queer theoryAutoethnographyIdentity formationOnline fandom communities and queer identity formation: An autoethnographyThesis2024-01-12