Moore, Brenda2023-03-092023-03-092022This is the published version of an article that is available at Recommended citation: Moore, B. (2022). Diversity in nursing education: Middle eastern students. Journal of Nursing Education, 61(10), 570–578. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission. originally published by Journal of Nursing Education, 61(10), 570–578. Published online 2022. Culturally diverse students face barriers to success in nursing school. One troublesome obstacle is the faculty-student relationship. This study explored Middle East-ern nursing students in Jordan and identified Eastern-West-ern cultural differences that may occur in the United States.Method: Existential descriptive phenomenology and feminist theoretical framework were used to design, collect data, and analyze results for 24 final-semester students. Six themes were identified: dissatisfaction, time, negativity, gender, culture, and utopia. Findings indicate Middle Eastern students and families have a different view of nursing than U.S. faculty members.Results: Strong influences of family, culture, and community directly relate this study’s conclusions to Middle Eastern stu-dents studying in the U.S. These findings may prevent faculty-student misunderstandings, diminished student academic performance, and loss of culturally diverse U.S. nurses. Conclu-sion: The faculty-student relationship benefits from an under-standing of the cultural challenges and experiences identified by Middle Eastern nursing students studying in the U.S.en-USFaculty-student relationshipsExistential descriptive phenomenologyfeminist theoretical frameworkDiversity in nursing education: Middle eastern studentsArticleCC BY-NC 4.0