Hwang, Shann Hwa2021-01-152020-1211/10/2020Dec-20https://hdl.handle.net/11274/12594ABSTRACT JOHN DAVID GARCIA LATINO FATHER PRIMARY ROLE OF THEIR RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACCULTURATING THEIR FAMILY IN THE U.S. DECEMBER 2020 This phenomenological study researched Latino father’s acculturation into the US. The theoretical frameworks applied reflexive approach to family stress theory, contextual model of family stress and coping, resilience theory, and secrets of strong families. The following topics were explored: (1) acculturation process, (2) family structure, (3) father roles, and (4) father responsibility from the Latino father’s perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve participants from a North Texas Christian church. Eight participants migrated to US and four participants were U.S. born. Interview data was collected and transcribed word for word. First cycle coding used a holistic, initial, and emotion and value coding. Second cycle coding consolidated and organized patterns into themes. Credibility was established by peer briefing and member checking. Each participant reviewed his transcription for accuracy during member checking process. The merging patterns the discourse of participants yielded three significant themes: (1) Roles; (2) Migration; and (3) Culture. Roles originated from their father’s actions and behaviors, learned father’s responsibility, and following a traditional vs contemporary expectation. Migration involved the Latino father knowing other fathers know the immigration process, working for U.S. companies that moved him and family to work in the U.S., and to be fully documented and legal to reside, work and stay in the U.S.. Culture connected with acculturating by updating their culture, improving their Spanish and English fluency, and changing some family traditions and religion.application/pdfenLatinos fathersAcculturationImmigrantsMigrationFather involvementLatino father primary role of their responsibility for acculturating their family in the United StatesThesis2021-01-15