Keeley, Randa2021-06-172021-06-172021-053/23/2021May-21 research exists on the use of repeated reading (RR) plus systematic error correction (SEC) for students with a specific learning disability (SLD) in reading. This study used a multiple baseline across participants design to determine if there is a functional relationship between the use of RR plus SEC and an increase in words correct per minute (WCPM), accuracy, and comprehension for four elementary students with a SLD in reading. The intervention consisted of an initial 5 min reading of the passage with SEC with each participant. Additionally, each participant read the passage two more times with limited error correction (when the student made an error the researcher said the word correctly and the student repeated the word but did not reread the entire sentence) (Nelson et al., 2004). The researcher implemented the following procedure for SEC with each participant for initial and subsequent passage readings: (a) the student read the passage aloud, (b) each time the student made an error the researcher said the correct word and the student reread the word and the entire sentence; (c) after reading the passage the researcher reviewed all the words read incorrectly by writing them down one at a time, showing them in the camera one at a time, pointing to each word and asking the student to say each word one at a time; (d) when the student made an error during review, the researcher said the word and asked the student to repeat it; and (e) the researcher asked the student to reread the entire passage after SEC and I timed the student for 1 min and recorded the WCPM and errors per minute (EPM). Results indicated the potential of this practice to improve the reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension for elementary students with a SLD. Also discussed are the implications of these findings (i.e., finding simple interventions is critical given demands on educators) and future directions for similar research (i.e., use of various participant groups) with various populations.  application/pdfRepeated readingError correctionReading fluencyEffects of repeated reading plus systematic error correction on oral reading fluency and comprehension for students with disabilitiesDissertation2021-06-17