Ollive, MadisonTalleff, JenniferEspinoza, Luis2020-09-182020-09-182020https://hdl.handle.net/11274/12496Creative Arts and Research SymposiumPurpose: Identify the common discoveries and experiences of undergraduate nursing students who attended a faculty-led study abroad program. Background: Although evidence of the transformative nature of studying abroad exists, capturing specific elements and personal impact of studying abroad remains elusive. Reflective journaling is utilized to enhance students’ intrapersonal development and allow exploration of the real-time and future impact of studying abroad.Methodology: This phenomenological study utilized students’ daily journals from Texas Woman’s University’s Healthcare in Great Britain course to identify common discoveries and experiences. All journals were coded by two faculty and an undergraduate student with the kappa coefficient consistently at 0.98.Conclusion: Results include findings related to the U.S. and UK healthcare systems and U.S. Nursing education. Unexpected findings related to the culture, climate, and traveling in the UK were identified. Study limitations, observations, key information, and future research potential will be included in the discussion portion of the poster presentation.en-USIdentifying Transformative Experiences: A Phenomenological Analysis of Nursing Students in a Study Abroad CoursePoster