Bonneau, KatieNeurohr, CourtneyVan Sell, Sharon2018-09-112018-09-112018-06This is the publisher’s version of an article that is available at Recommended citation: Bonneau, K., Neurohr, C., & Sell, S. (2018). Differentiate: A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices, 5(1). This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission. article was published with the assistance of the Texas Woman's University Libraries Open Access FundThe authors developed the concept differentiate as applied to the advanced practice nurse (APN) due to the lack of a current theory regarding the subject in the existing nursing literature. For instance, the APN uses differential diagnosis daily in practice. A concept analysis of differentiate according to the Walker and Avant methodology and applied to the APN can assist the APN to conduct a differential diagnosis accurately to create a safer environment for the patient. Attributes of the concept differentiate, include the following: (a) critical thinking, (b) evidence-based literature, (c) Distinguish, (d) differences, (e) complexity, and (f) complete. In addition to attributes of the differentiate concept, antecedents and consequences further elucidate the concept differentiate, and a model representation combines these three aspects to create a complete picture of the concept differentiate applied to the APN. A model, borderline, and contrary case provide real-life APN examples of the concept. Finally, the authors explore the method for conducting a proper differential diagnosis in the APN’s practice to begin the patient’s healing process.en-USConcept analysisDifferential diagnosisClinical practice skillsDifferentiate: A concept analysisArticleCC BY 3.0