DiMaio, Lauren2023-06-262023-06-262023-05May-23May-23https://hdl.handle.net/11274/15153The purpose of this study is to investigate the vocal health tendencies of music therapy interns. The descriptive survey was administered to 25 music therapy interns. The results indicated that a majority of the participants experienced vocal fatigue and had a limited understanding of their own voices and the importance of warm-up and cool-down exercises. This lack of knowledge may be attributed to inadequate practical education and a lack of clear guidelines from the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) regarding vocal health. As a result, interns were prone to neglect the importance of proper vocal care. This study highlights the need for more practical voice education and clearer guidelines from AMTA regarding vocal health for music therapy interns.application/pdfEnglishMusicMusical PerformancesVocal healthMusic therapy internsMusic therapistVocal fatigueA descriptive survey of the trends of music therapy interns vocal healthThesis2023-06-26