Harding, Brian2022-10-112022-10-112022This is a published version of an article that is available at https://genealogiesofmodernity.org/journal/2022/2/15/augustine-violence-and-machiavelli. Recommended citation: Harding, B. (2022, February 17). Augustine, violence and the novelty of Machiavelli. Genealogies of Modernity. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.https://hdl.handle.net/11274/14049https://genealogiesofmodernity.org/journal/2022/2/15/augustine-violence-and-machiavelliArticle originally published in Genealogies of Modernity. English. Published online 2022. https://genealogiesofmodernity.org/journal/2022/2/15/augustine-violence-and-machiavelli.Permission to deposit the published version was given through direct contact with the publisher. For more information please see the faculty member's entry in Project INDEX -- EDH 7/13/23Machiavelli, despite his regular use of examples drawn from antiquity, consistently emphasizes the novelty of his approach to political philosophy. In The Prince, he is famously interested in, above all else, the problems faced by new princes. In his more explicitly republican work, The Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli points to the new modes and orders that his thinking will introduce. His insistence on his own novelty aside, what exactly can we say is new about Machiavelli?en-USThe Discourses on LivyThe City of GodPolitical philosophyAugustine, violence, and the novelty of MachiavelliArticle