Whitmer, Susan2021-10-262021-10-2620172017-10Whitmer, S. (2017). An interview with Slaven Zivkovic on the 10th Anniversary of LibGuides. Public Services Quarterly, 13(4). https://doi.org/10.1080/15228959.2017.1371095.1522-9114https://hdl.handle.net/11274/13378https://doi.org/10.1080/15228959.2017.1371095Slaven Zivkovic, an entrepreneur with a history of library innovations, headed the team that created LibGuides in 2007. LibGuides are websites that librarians and library staff design to help library users locate sources of information for a subject or a class. Zivkovic was a library assistant during his undergraduate years at Santa Clara University, the Jesuit University in Silicon Valley (Springshare, 2017). Zivkovic is also a co-founder of Docutek Information Systems, which created the industry's first electronic reserve system, ERes. He also led the development of one of the first virtual reference systems, VRLplus ("New & noteworthyā€¯ 2007).en-USLibGuidesSlaven ZivkovicLibrary instructionAn Interview with Slaven Zivkovic on the 10th Anniversary of LibGuidesArticle