Turrubiarte, LandonTrujillo-Jenks, Laura2023-05-032023-05-032018This is the published version of an article that is available at https://www.tcpea.org/uploads/1/5/6/2/15622000/yearbook-2018-issue.pdf. Recommended citation: Turrubiarte, L., & Trujillo-Jenks, L. (2018). Increasing social, emotional, and behavioral learning (SBEL) in student intervention models.TCPEA Midwinter Yearbook (3)1 (33-36). This item has been deposited in with the author’s permission and in the absence of publisher policies.https://hdl.handle.net/11274/14956https://www.tcpea.org/uploads/1/5/6/2/15622000/yearbook-2018-issue.pdfArticle originally published in TCPEA Midwinter Yearbook (3)1 (33-36). English. Published Online 2018. https://www.tcpea.org/uploads/1/5/6/2/15622000/yearbook-2018-issue.pdfPermission to deposit this file was given through direct contact with the publisher. For more information please see the faculty member's entry in Project INDEX -- EDH 7/7/23Organizational and procedural changes are realities schools have dealt with to maintain student progress and accountability to the public (Beycioglu & Kondakci, 2014). While the outcomes of organizational change can rest with the leadership of a school, it is also affected by the specific processes schools use for improvement, such as Response to Intervention (Sansosti & Noltemeyer, 2008). Instead of relying on top-down reform alone to improve student outcomes, stronger relationships and developed skillsets by educators are needed. Although poor academic achievement can contribute to negative effects for a student long term, such as poverty, those who are low functioning in social and emotional skills can have an increase in public health problems (Jones, Greenberg, & Crowley, 2015). Current studies are exploring how social and emotional behaviors affect performance across different areas of the learner in addition to those focused solely on academic achievement (Jones et al., 2015). Denton Independent School District (DISD) is exploring such an inclusive mindset to the revamping of its approach to students who need interventions.en-USPoor academic achievementEmotional behaviorsStudent interventionsIncreasing social, emotional, and behavioral learning (SBEL) in student intervention modelsArticle