2023-02-082023-02-081907-11-01https://hdl.handle.net/11274/14354Quarterly bulletin including basic information about the college sent to Women's Organizations for recruitment. Provides updates on the campus and courses, needs of the college, and information about the Pure Food Commissioner working with the college.Pamphletsapplication/pdfengIn Copyright- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/. Materials may not be used without permission. Please contact the Woman's Collection at (940) 898-3751 or womansc@twu.edu.Universities and collegesWomen--Societies and clubsFood scienceCollege Bulletin. Number 20, November, 1907Women's Organizations Number, College of Industrial Arts, The State College for WomenUniversity ArchivesWoman's Collection, Texas Woman's University