Navarra-Madsen, JunalynMonds, Phili S.2022-05-122022-05-122022 the years lots of organizations like Society of Women Engineers and WiMSE have popped up to create a safe space for women in STEM and work towards workplace equality and equity in their respective fields. Recently these groups have been expanding to include non-binary people as well. This idea is wonderful, but their messaging is less than desirable. The most common phrase these organizations use is “Women and Non-binary People in STEM.” These companies are placing women and non-binary people together and ignoring how non-binary people understand themselves. This also makes it unclear if masculine presenting non-binary people or transgender men would be welcome in these spaces, even though all of these groups are similarly disadvantaged on the basis of misogyny. We are here to highlight these issues as well as present solutions to them.en-USGender Diversity in STEMPresentation