Cato, HeatherWalker, Katie2023-07-312023-07-312022This is a published version of an article that is available at: Recommended citation: Cato, H., & Walker, K. (2022). The influences of teacher knowledge on qualitative writing assessment. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 18(2), 1–21. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission. testing and accountability are currently unavoidable components of Texas Public Education. Through years of push-back, parents and educators have demanded that Texas consider alternative testing options that would reduce the high-stakes testing burden on students and schools. In 2015, the State of Texas passed legislation requiring the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to undertake a study of authentic writing assessment. This paper draws on data from a larger qualitative study to illustrate the complexity of teacher decision-making in the assessment process, provides further consideration into the influences of scoring calibration such as teacher knowledge, and highlights the need for intentionally designed professional learning about scoring as a means to mitigate differences and ultimately improve inter-rater reliability.en-USAssessmentCalibrationInter-rater reliabilityTeacher decision-makingWritingThe influences of teacher knowledge on qualitative writing assessmentArticle