Habeeb, Youstina2024-05-032024-05-032024https://hdl.handle.net/11274/16092Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a prevalent lifelong motor disorder, particularly affecting children, affecting consistent engagement in meaningful motor activities to maintain and enhance function (Accardo, 2008). Upon evaluation of different interventions, we decided to review GO Move. Despite the established effectiveness of goal-directed training and home-based programs in improving functionality, parental satisfaction, and motor skills among youth with CP (Novak et al., 2009), there exists a significant gap between research evidence and practical implementation by therapists and individuals with CP. This gap is further widened by limited access to literature for clinicians and barriers to therapy services for individuals with CP. The absence of a systematic, accessible mechanism for implementing evidence-based interventions in home settings for individuals with unilateral CP exacerbates delays in translating evidence into practice, thereby creating unnecessary disability burdens. As part of the capstone experience, we conducted the implementation of the feasibility study to assess the effectiveness and the acceptability of this mobile website.en-USPediatricsCerebral palsyHome programMobile websiteGoalsGO Move: A Cerebral Palsy Case Study on Goal-Directed Training & Home ProgramDoctoral Project