Chrostowski, Susan2023-06-092023-06-092019This is the conference version of a presentation. Recommended citation: Chrostowski, S. K. (2019). One Patient, Many Drugs: Polypharmacy in Rheumatology. American College of Rheumatology Annual National Scientific Session Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. [Status: Presented] [Refereed]. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission. to deposit this file was given through direct contact with the publisher. For more information please see the faculty member's entry in Project INDEX -- EDH 7/7/23Objectives • Discuss strategies to recognize and address pharmacology management for clients on multiple medications. • Explain the potential barriers and best approaches to de-prescribing patient medications.en-USInappropriate prescribingDrug-drug interactionsDrug-disease interactionsWhat should providers do to address polypharmacy?One patient, many drugs: Polypharmacy in rheumatologyPresentation