Randall, AudreyRivers, Alannah2024-05-162024-05-162024https://hdl.handle.net/11274/16171Diabetes has been categorized as a public health emergency, which is complicated by barriers to necessary selfmanagement; including inadequate communication with physicians and poor disease knowledge. Occupational therapists offer unique services by integrating many different elements of rehabilitation with an understanding of illness and psychosocial elements, as well as a knowledge of how to analyze and adapt to one’s environment (Ellexson, 1985). The methodology is an online questionnaire conducted through Prolific and participants are patients with T2D, consisting of two subsamples; those who have seen an occupational therapist and those who have not. This poster aims to analyze how outcomes differ for patients who have worked with an occupational therapist or who have one on their care team compared to those without. We also aim to analyze occupational therapy alliance and correlates such as treatment adherence, perceived benefit, perceived burden, well-being, anxiety, depression, diabetes self-efficacy, HbA1c levels and coping strategies. (Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Alannah Rivers)en-USOCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AND TYPE 2 DIABETESPresentation